Monday, August 29, 2011

Last year while serving at Rancho La Paloma Ministry Center in Tecate, Mexico, we visited the orphanage nearby – Rancho San Juan Bosco. This was once a home only for boys, but now has boys and girls. There are approximately 80 children housed at this time. We had a great time meeting and playing with the children, but were shocked to find their pantry and refrigerator nearly empty. As a group (with members from our church group), we each chipped in with whatever cash we had on hand and went shopping to provide some nutrition to these children. It was then that we felt God put it on our hearts to become committed to consistently making a difference in these children’s lives by meeting these basic needs.

We learned that this home is entirely dependent donations. With the downturn in the economy and violence in other parts of Mexico, far fewer groups from the U.S. are visiting the orphanage and bringing the much needed food and supplies. We greatly appreciate and need your continued support to care for these children. These children arrive at this orphanage after being removed from homes due to poverty, neglect, and/or abuse. We feel that if we meet these basic needs we can show them that God has not forgotten them and He loves them. We have been blessed with much and are called to care for others.

How can you help?:
  • Join us on a trip to Tecate!
       We plan to visit the orphanage every other month. The
       approximate future dates for 2011 are August 27,
       October 15, and December 10.

       We would return to the church parking lot in Torrance 
       by approximately 2:30 pm.

       This brief trip will impact your life and the lives of those

       children like you cannot imagine!

  • Donate money

       All money donated is tax deductible (checks written to 

      "LCGS” (Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd) and you
       will receive a receipt for tax purposes.

       You can give the money directly to Darrin Potter or
       Charlie Alexovics.

       Our dollar goes much farther there than in the U.S. We
       can stock the orphanage that feeds so many for a fraction
       of the cost here.

  •  Prayer
       Please join us in prayer that we will be able to provide
       for these children on a consistent basis.

       Please pray for the children to receive this food and be
       nourished physically and also spiritually, knowing that
       God has not forgotten them.

       Please pray that God will lead them as they grow to
       become self sufficient and able to one day serve others
       in this same way.

Thank you again, for partnering with us in whatever way you are able. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact either of us:

Charlie Alexovics – 310-793-7972; Darrin Potter – 310-430-6235

Mail donations to: LCGS – 21100 Victor Street, Torrance, CA 90503 – With memo – “Orphanage food”

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27